Saturday, May 23, 2009


The day finally arrived for Matt to return home. I have been so busy since returning to Florida and being on my own with the kids that I haven't had time to blog about anything! Life has been going along smoothly, and I will later post pictures from a few things leading up to deployment's end. Here are some photos of the boat as it is pulling in, Matt in line with the officers shaking hands, and then a few of us together as a family. The kids and I are so happy to have the family back together again. Katie can't leave Matt's side- they are building forts in the family room and having a dog show as I type this... Marcus is loving having a man around- he has actually fussed a few times for daddy to hold him! Although work is still close at hand (Matt was home less then 24 hours and called back to the boat for some work!) we are grateful for whatever time we have together.

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