Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My 3 year old's memory verse

Well, Matt is off and away again. No surprise to most of you! So, we are visiting my family in Florida and while we are here Katie has been attending the Christian school here. She loves it! The first day I picked her up I asked, "How was school?" Her response: "Just Perfect!" Let me note next that this school is not just a playtime for kids, but an actual education for little minds. First off, she has elective classes such as art, Spanish, chapel, and even music class! Well, she has only been to school 3 times now and I amazed at how much she is learning. She informed me that she is learning the Pledge of Allegiance- she can say quite a bit of it already. (Her favorite song right now is the Star Spangled Banner but more on that in another blog). Well, the point of today's blog is that when I picked her up from school today the teacher says, "Katie got an award because she knew her memory verse today!" Now, I knew there was a memory verse for school for the past week, but I hadn't really worked on it with her at home. So, I am surprised that she was able to memorize the verse during the two times she has been at school. The verse is: Psalm 18:30 "As for God, His way is perfect.." It isn't lengthy, but still amazes me what kids can remember. It is actually quite scary what a sponge these little minds are and how quickly they can pick up on things. When her daddy found out he was so happy his daughter was already quoting scripture! I can't what to see what else she learns this week...

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